mysql取差集、交集、并集博客分类: Mysql数据库 需求:从两个不同的结果集(一个是子集,一个是父集),字段为电话号码phone_number,找出父集中缺少的电话号码,以明确用户身份。 结合网上资料,整理sql如下: //mysql取差集 Java代码 收藏代码select num FROM ( select u.code_sn as id,u.phone_number as num from t1 b left join t2 u on b.from_user=u.code_sn where b.to_account='1000' and b.json_info like '%09月份%' union all select u.code_sn as id,u.phone_number as num from t3 o left join t2 u on o.buyer_code_sn=u.code_sn where o.seller_account_code_sn='1000' and o.json_info like '%09月份%' )t3 group by num having count(num)=1 //mysql取交集 Java代码 收藏代码select num FROM ( select u.code_sn as id,u.phone_number as num from t1 b left join t2 u on b.from_user=u.code_sn where b.to_account='1000' and b.json_info like '%09月份%' union all select u.code_sn as id,u.phone_number as num from t1 o left join t2 u on o.buyer_code_sn=u.code_sn where o.seller_account_code_sn='1000' and o.json_info like '%09月份%' )t3 group by num having count(num)=2 //mysql取并集 Java代码 收藏代码select num FROM ( select u.code_sn as id,u.phone_number as num from t1 b left join t2 u on b.from_user=u.code_sn where b.to_account='1000' and b.json_info like '%09月份%' union all select u.code_sn as id,u.phone_number as num from t1 o left join t2 u on o.buyer_code_sn=u.code_sn where o.seller_account_code_sn='1000' and o.json_info like '%09月份%' )t3